Fitness has always been a big part of my life, from riding bikes in my neighborhood, playing basketball & competing in Ironman distance triathlons. Thanks to my parents who set a good example by getting into the running craze in the late 70's. Why I pursue fitness:
Makes me feel better
Gives me a better outlook on life - a happier person
Gives me more energy
Makes me healthier
Fitness events and challenges give me a goal to strive for... Making me more disciplined and committed to sticking to a workout plan... Events give seasons of high focus and also recovery
Working-out gives me satisfaction
Makes me more productive with my time
Fun to be outdoors or indoors moving and using body
Competition with others and especially with self
Hopefully motivate someone else to exercise
Part of being well - Mind - Body - Spirit - finding a balance with these makes life better!
North and South ‘Pole’ marathons complete! Great travels with my Dad!